Trigon served as a primary sub-consultant on this $750M+ infrastructure program in the West Bank of Palestine to design and construct numerous projects related primarily to roadways as well as water and wastewater infrastructure. Trigon was involved in all phases of the program, including ongoing program management, design, environmental assessments, permitting, construction management and resident construction inspection. Following are just a few of the roadway-related projects and tasks that Trigon had primary responsibility for:
Roadway Assessment Studies
Trigon, including “home office” staff from New Orleans, led efforts to assess numerous roadway segments that had experienced various problems and modes of failure within a relatively short time after construction. Trigon reviewed existing information and data from the original designs (performed by others), construction and inspection documents and testing data. Field visits were performed to each failure location to review the in-situ conditions. In some cases, additional geotechnical testing was performed. Trigon identified the root cause of failures in each case and developed remedial actions necessary to repair the roadways. The efforts were documented in a report for the client titled “Assessment Study for Failures on Various USAID-Funded Roadways”.
Roadways Design Manual
Trigon provided support to USAID and the local Ministry of Public Works and Housing (MoPWH, the entity responsible for roads) to develop standard guidelines for the design and construction of roadways throughout the West Bank. This included interviewing MoPWH staff, reviewing existing documents, assessing current procedures, as well as understanding current standard construction practices and available materials in the area. Recommended design practices and procedures were provided.
Roadway Maintenance Programs Development
Trigon staff led the development of several programs related to short and long-term maintenance of roadways throughout the West Bank. These included the “Short-Term Asphalt Patching and Concrete Protection Program”, the “Road Operational and Maintenance Assistance Program”, and the “Technical Assistance to Enhance Road Maintenance Management Program”. Some of the key objectives of these programs were to establish formal reactive and preventive maintenance procedures; better sustain existing roads throughout the West Bank; effectively respond to emergencies and complaints; build a computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) to serve as the backbone of the long-term program; and to assist with increasing the capacity of MoPWH staff to properly operate and maintain their roadways.
Roads Design, Construction Management and Inspection
A large percentage of the projects under the INP II are related to roads. Trigon staff were intimately involved with design and construction phase services on these projects. The roadway projects ranged from rehabilitation and overlays of small, minor roads within towns and villages to total new construction of major roads and highways.
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