Pre-Trip Thoughts from Sal
Last week, we heard a bit from Greg regarding his trip to Jordan where Trigon is supporting USAID/Jordan by providing construction management/program management (CM/PM) services for two major school construction and expansion programs.
This week, it’s Sal’s turn!
This is my first OCONUS project since 2014. I had previously done several long-term assignments in Palestine when Trigon worked on the Infrastructure Needs Program, Phase II (INP II) for the USAID West Bank & Gaza Mission from 2010 to 2014.
I am looking forward to meeting new people and visiting the many historic and cultural sights in Jordan. I am also looking forward to speaking Arabic (my native tongue) and catching up with a few friends from my college days at South Dakota State University (go, Jackrabbits!). And, of course, I really look forward to having some of the authentic cuisine in Jordan—especially the desserts.

My flight from DC to Paris was smooth. Unfortunately, I did not get to sleep much so I watched highlights from the 2018 World Cup. The layover in Paris was long and there was not much to do. The next leg of the trip was from Paris to Amman on an Air France Airbus 320. This smaller aircraft has absolutely no in-flight entertainment—not even a few overhead monitors for security instructions, which is quite rare these days. Needless to say, the flight was long and boring. Luckily, it was only 4 ½ hours long and the lack of entertainment gave me time to put some thoughts on the project down in my notebook.
Thanks, Sal!
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