Trigon provided a range of engineering and environmental support services to Daybrook Fisheries, Inc. through a Master Services Agreement. Daybrook Fisheries has a 55-acre menhaden fish processing facility located in Empire, LA in southern Plaquemines Parish. The facility is located between the Mississippi River and the Buras Navigation Canal, adjacent to Adams Bay and about 10 miles from the mouth of the river.
Relevant examples of tasks completed by Trigon include:
Site Plan: Trigon prepared a comprehensive site plan of the existing property, facilities, and infrastructure, including a site grading plan and performing calculations to verify sufficient drainage capacity as well as containment volume around all of their storage tanks in the event of a spill. Trigon directly managed the surveying efforts required as a part of the development of the site plan. This effort also included inspection and evaluation of the facility’s raw water intake screens and pump station at the Mississippi River, along with the wharf/quay wall system in the canal at the back of the property where their boats dock to load and unload.
Dredge Permitting Assistance: Trigon assisted with obtaining a dredging permit for the waterway behind Daybrook’s processing facility. This included evaluating the previous (expired) permit for dredging in the Old Empire Navigation Canal behind Daybrook’s processing facility. Work included coordination with the Louisiana Office of Coastal Management (OCM), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and local Coastal Zone Management offices. Trigon consulted with C.H. Fenstermaker & Associates and their permitting specialists to assess various options of how Daybrook could most effectively proceed with the needed dredging activities to actively maintain their processing and shipping operations. A unique issue was that previous dredge material had been placed in a location that was deemed to not be acceptable by the USACE. Trigon worked with Daybrook and the permitting agencies to identify a resolution to this issue, including restoring the previous spoil area. Trigon directly managed a licensed surveyor to perform topographic and bathymetric surveying of the dredging and dredge spoil restoration areas in support of discussions with the USACE.
Miscellaneous Services: Trigon provided consultation services to Daybrook when emergency repairs were required on the main outfall pipe from their facility, near the Mississippi River and the levee. Trigon performed a structural assessment of their Office and Parts Warehouse building and designed improvements to build out the second story with office space. Trigon completed an assessment and survey for one of the primary screw pumps that feeds the main line for the facility’s processing operations. Geotechnical and materials testing services were performed as part of these efforts. Trigon was also tasked with researching, scanning and organizing all known existing plans, drawings, studies and reports for the facility.
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